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Population & Socio-economy

Baseline Population

The population statistics presented here are sourced from the common operational datasets (CODs), and are typically disaggregated by age and/or gender, and extend to administrative levels 1 or 2. Primary data providers include the UNFPA and OCHA country offices. These data are projections based on demographic indicators, and therefore caution should be used when comparing to population data from other sources.


Attribute Details
Data provider UNFPA, OCHA country offices
Dataset Global Subnational Population Statistics
Time series False
Update frequency Annually
Related tables Gender

Parameters Returned

The table below describes the parameters returned from this endpoint. For available query parameters, please see the API sandbox.

Parameter Description Source
resource_hdx_id Unique resource UUID on HDX Resource
gender The gender of the population group in question, set to "all" if there is no disaggregation Gender
age_range The age range of the population group in question, set to "all" if there is no disaggregation
min_age The minimum age from age_range, set to null if age_range is "all" and there is no age disaggregation
max_age The maximum age from age_range, set to null if age_range is "all" and there is no age disaggregation, or if there is no upper limit to the age range
population The number of people
reference_period_start The start date for which the data are applicable
reference_period_end The end date for which the data are applicable
location_code Location p-code, based on the ISO-3 (ISO 3166 alpha-3) standard Location
location_name Location name, based on the "short name" from the UN M49 Standard Location
location_ref A reference to the id of the associated entry in the location table Location
admin1_code Admin 1 p-code Admin 1
admin1_name Admin 1 name Admin 1
provider_admin1_name Admin 1 names provided in the original source data
admin1_ref A reference to the id of the associated entry in the admin 1 table Admin 1
admin2_code Admin 2 p-code Admin 2
admin2_name Admin 2 name Admin 2
provider_admin2_name Admin 2 names provided in the original source data
admin2_ref A reference to the id of the associated entry in the admin 2 table Admin 2

Transformations applied

  • The table has been reshaped from wide to long: demographic-specific columns have been cast to gender, age_range, and population
  • The reference period is obtained from the HDX dataset

Usage Notes

  • Age disaggregation ranges are not consistent across countries
  • Any aggregation to a higher administrative level (e.g., admin 1 for a country where admin 2 is also available) has been taken directly from the data provided, and was not computed in the API pipeline
  • An “all” value in the gender and age_range columns indicates no disaggregation
  • age_range is expressed as "[min_age]-[max_age]", where max_age is inclusive, or "[min_age]+" for an age range starting at min_age or above

Poverty Rate

The global Oxford Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) measures multidimensional poverty in over 100 developing countries, using internationally comparable datasets. The MPI assesses poverty through three main dimensions: health, education, and living standards, each of which is represented by specific indicators. For each country, MPI trends over time are supplied if available. Relevant OPHI methodological notes are 58, 59 and 60.


Attribute Details
Data provider Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI)
Dataset Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative - Global Multidimensional Poverty Index data series"
Time series Annual, with some combined years
Update frequency Annually
Related tables None

Parameters Returned

The table below describes the parameters returned from this endpoint. For available query parameters, please see the API sandbox.

Parameter Description Source
resource_hdx_id Unique resource UUID on HDX Resource
mpi The multidimensional poverty index, derived as a product of the headcount_ratio and intensity_of_deprivation. Note that this metric is presented as a fraction, while the others are percentages.
headcount_ratio The percentage of people deprived in 33% or more indicators
intensity_of_deprivation The average proportion of indicators in which people are deprived, given as a percentage
vulnerable_to_poverty The percentage of people deprived in 20-33% of indicators
in_severe_poverty The percentage of people deprived in 50% or more indicators
reference_period_start The start date for which the data are applicable
reference_period_end The end date for which the data are applicable
location_code Location p-code, based on the ISO-3 (ISO 3166 alpha-3) standard Location
location_name Location name, based on the "short name" from the UN M49 Standard Location
location_ref A reference to the id of the associated entry in the location table Location
admin1_code Admin 1 p-code Admin 1
admin1_name Admin 1 name Admin 1
provider_admin1_name Admin 1 names provided in the original source data

Transformations applied

  • For rows in the original data with two timepoints, we take each timepoint as single entry into HDX HAPI
  • The reference period is constructed using the full range of the year or year range presented in the “year” column, pertaining to the timepoint in question, of the original data

Usage Notes

  • The data are available at the national and admin 1 level
  • The admin name from the provider is supplied along with p-codes and corresponding standardised admin names where available
  • We use p-codes from the source data which was p-coded by taking the admin 1 names, and applying the algorithm from hdx-python-country
  • Where admin 1 names could not be p-coded, the provided p-codes from the source data are at national level
  • Trends are estimated using indicators in the global MPI that are harmonised across the time periods and are used where data are available for a country
  • For any country where trends are unavailable in the source, the latest data (which is not harmonised across time) are used instead