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Food Security & Nutrition

Food Security

The IPC Acute Food Insecurity (IPC AFI) classification provides strategically relevant information to decision makers that focuses on short-term objectives to prevent, mitigate or decrease severe food insecurity. The IPC website and API also includes access to the Cadre Harmonisé (CH) data, which targets countries in the Sahel and West Africa. Although the CH is a distinct food security classification system, it aligns with IPC standards in terms of assessment processes and outcomes.


Attribute Details
Data provider Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC)
Dataset Global: Acute Food Insecurity Country Data
Time series Yes, with projections
Update frequency As needed
Related tables IPCPhase, IPCType

Parameters Returned

The table below describes the parameters returned from this endpoint. For available query parameters, please see the API sandbox.

Parameter Description Source
resource_hdx_id Unique resource UUID on HDX Resource
ipc_phase The IPC severity phase IPC Phase
ipc_type The IPC phase projection type IPC Type
population_in_phase The number of people in the IPC phase
population_fraction_in_phase The fraction of people in the IPC phase
reference_period_start The start date for which the data are applicable
reference_period_end The end date for which the data are applicable
location_code Location p-code, based on the ISO-3 (ISO 3166 alpha-3) standard Location
location_name Location name, based on the "short name" from the UN M49 Standard Location
admin1_code Admin 1 p-code Admin 1
admin1_name Admin 1 name Admin 1
provider_admin1_name Admin 1 names provided in the original source data
admin1_ref A reference to the id of the associated entry in the admin 1 table Admin 1
admin2_code Admin 2 p-code Admin 2
admin2_name Admin 2 name Admin 2
provider_admin2_name Admin 2 names provided in the original source data
admin2_ref A reference to the id of the associated entry in the admin 2 table Admin 2

Transformations applied

  • We have p-coded the source data by taking the admin 1 and 2 names, and applying the algorithm from hdx-python-country, which uses phonetic name matching and manual overrides
  • Where admin 1 names could not be p-coded, the provided p-codes from the source data are at national level
  • Where admin 2 names could not be p-coded, the provided p-codes from the source data are at admin 1 level if possible or national level if not

Usage Notes

  • The data are available at national, admin 1 and admin 2 levels
  • The admin name from the provider is supplied along with p-codes and corresponding standardised admin names where available
  • The total population (ipc_phase="all") is not necessarily equal to the sum of the populations in phases 1-5. The differences are usually small (due to rounding errors), or because there is no IPC phase data
  • Due to the above, the sum of the IPC fractions from phases 1-5 may not be exactly equal to 1
  • Food security statistics from countries in West Africa and the Sahel come from the Cadre Harmonisé
  • Not all geographical sub-divisions in the IPC correspond to known administrative levels. In particular, several countries contain point-like regions that correspond to urban centres, or population groups such as IDPs and refugees. There are also country-specific disclaimers that we present in the table below:
ISO3 Country Name Notes
BDI Burundi Admin 2 regions do not correspond with the COD boundaries and were not p-coded
COD Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa is sub-divided and not p-codable at the admin 2 level
ETH Ethiopia Some admin 2 regions are sub-divided into clusters and not p-codable
MRT Mauritania Some admin 2 regions have been grouped together, and thus are not individually p-codable
NER Niger Some regions are divided into accessible and non-accessible areas, and the term "ville" is used to denote urban areas
NGA Nigeria There are several admin 2 regions which share a name, and some of them have a (1) appended to the name, which we do not p-code
SDN Sudan Many admin 2 regions have been grouped together, and thus are not individually p-codable
SOM Somalia Admin 2 regions in Somalia are sub-divided, thus we to not attempt to assign p-codes
ZAF South Africa Admin 2 regions are a mix of admin levels, thus we do not attempt to assign p-codes at admin 2

Food Prices

The World Food Programme Price Database covers foods such as maize, rice, beans, fish, and sugar for 98 countries and some 3000 markets. It is updated weekly but primarily contains data with a monthly update frequency. For a detailed methodology, see WFP's Market Analysis Guidelines.


Attribute Details
Data provider The World Food Programme
Dataset WFP Food Prices data series
Time series Yes, monthly
Update frequency Weekly
Related tables Commodity Category, Currency, Price Flag, Price Type, WFP Commodity, WFP Market

Parameters Returned

The table below describes the parameters returned from this endpoint. For available query parameters, please see the API sandbox.

Parameter Description Source
resource_hdx_id Unique resource UUID on HDX Resource
commodity_code The unique code identifying the commodity WFP Market
commodity_name The name of the commodity WFP Market
commodity_category The food group that the commodity belongs to Commodity Category
price_flag Pre-processing characteristics of food price Price Flag
price_type The point in the supply chain at which the price is determined Price Type
price The price of the commodity
unit The unit of the commodity, such as weight or number
currency_code ISO-4217 currency code Currency Code
reference_period_start The start date for which the data are applicable
reference_period_end The end date for which the data are applicable
location_ref A reference to the id of the associated entry in the location table Location
location_code Location p-code, based on the ISO-3 (ISO 3166 alpha-3) standard Location
location_name Location name, based on the "short name" from the UN M49 Standard Location
admin1_code Admin 1 p-code Admin 1
admin1_name Admin 1 name Admin 1
provider_admin1_name Admin 1 names provided in the original source data
admin1_ref A reference to the id of the associated entry in the admin 1 table Admin 1
admin2_code Admin 2 p-code Admin 2
admin2_name Admin 2 name Admin 2
provider_admin2_name Admin 2 names provided in the original source data
admin2_ref A reference to the id of the associated entry in the admin 2 table Admin 2
market_code The unique code identifying the market WFP Market
market_name The name of the market WFP Market
lat The market's latitude WFP Market
lon The market's longitude WFP Market

Transformations applied

  • The reference period is computed by converting date from the “date” column, originally presented as 15th day of a particular month, into a range spanning the entire month
  • The source data is not p-coded, however we have used the admin 1 and 2 names to p-code most markets. See WFP Market for more details.